Tuesday, October 31, 2006

14th Week

This week Peanut is about 3 inches from head to bum and weighs the same as half a banana (1 ounce). Fingernails, toenails, fingers, toes, eyes, and even fingerprints are already formed. Peanut just has to get bigger!

My new Elasto-pants are wonderful, even though I don't really have anything showing yet. We've had troubles with dead batteries lately, so I'll be able to post some new photos soon!

Thursday, October 26, 2006


Yep, it's true - we're going to be parents! It's been quite the few months; for, a year ago we had some complications and ended up having a failed pregnancy. But, not this time! A week ago, we heard Peanut's heartbeat! I'm gonna be a Daddy!!

I'm still in a bit of a state of disbelief. Over the last few years, I've had this feeling that I was made to be a Dad; but, for the last few months, I haven't felt any real confirmation. I mean last year, I felt like this was it - I was ready! But, now... I dunno. It almost feels old-hat. I know that'll change once Peanut arrives!

This project (LiM) is Jenn's brainchild, but I'm the blogger in the family; so, it'll be interesting to see how it all folds out. Hopefully, you'll all have plenty to read from both of us.



Welcome to Millerville!

We are so excited to share our new Peanut with all of you. I'll be sure to post photos of Peanut's development along the way, until we get to meet him/her around May 4, 2007!