Friday, February 16, 2007

1st Prenatal Class

So, last night was our first prenatal class. It wasn't bad. Most of us in the class are 1st-timers, with only 2 veteran mothers who's kids are 7 and older (I wonder if things have changed since the Millennium?). Our instructor encouraged us to be on the ball once we get to about week 38 - the kid could come at any time!! She wanted to encourage us not to be too worried, and get to the hospital too early - home is probably more comfortable for the initial stages of labor, anyway.
However, being the laid-back couple we are, I can see us leaving things a little last minute. Good thing we got that New Option on our car! I am fairly confident that our kid will enter this world with a professional at hand.

11 more weeks to go!!!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Third Trimester, here we come...

Here's today's update:

Your baby now weighs nearly 2 pounds/ 875 grams and measures 14.5 inches/ 36.6 centimetres from heel to toe. Her eyes open and close, she sleeps and wakes at regular intervals and she may suck a finger or thumb.

Sweet dreams, little baby! Some experts believe that babies begin to dream by the 28th week. What do they dream about? No one knows for certain but the brain is active this week as well. The characteristic grooves on the brain's surface start to appear and more brain tissue develops.

There is also some blurb about the baby hiccuping, which I think I have felt a few times. It's kind of annoying, actually because I get hit in the same spot repeatedly. It's like someone knocking on your head, demanding that you name 10 chocolate bars...but when I do finish eating the 10 chocolate bars, the baby doesn't stop!